Tuesday, October 21, 2008

practice summary responce

Krunal, patel
EAP2 B Writer’s workshop
Summary and Response # 1
October 17,2008

Global warning effect on animals

In the Tim Hirsch (2005) –BBC news article “Animals ‘hit by global warming'” the author says that animals have a lots of problems due to different weather conditions. According to in the article, researchers believe animals move from one place to another place frequently whenever they can’t find appropriate weather. Furthermore, animals have some common difficulty such as lacking of water, rising of sea level and melting of snow. However, scientists are trying to find effective cures that help animals. Moreover, we have to preserve natural resources because it can be helpful for animals.

I agree with the author’s opinion. Global warming directly affects animals’ life. Animals they’re always scared of humans. Also, we should stop doing experiments on animals.

First, global warming is the biggest problem in the world. Animals can’t find appropriate weather or place. Today, animals suffer lots of hazards such as deforestation, air pollution, dumped chemicals in the sea, etc.People cut down trees for their purposes and animals lose their home. For example; in India, people are dumping chemicals in the ocean. Sea animals are suffering diseases and dying.

Next, we should live in a world where animals don’t have to hide from humans. Animals always are scared of humans. People hunt animals for their purposes. Animals know that human is the big killer. We should preserve them. Whenever we appear, animals run somewhere. For example: my neighbor always bit a dog whenever he came around his house. Now, this dog never comes to my street.

Finally, as we know, scientists are always doing experiments on animals first before they launch. This is a really shameful thing for all human beings. A animal also has a soul. Experiments we do show that we are unaware of animals’ feelings and lives.

In conclusion, animals play an essential role in the cycle of the eco-systems. We should not kill animals for our own purpose. Scientist should do experiments whenever they are sure about the result. Next time, whenever we appear to animals, we shouldn’t bite them.


Hirsch, T.(2005, October 5). Animals 'hit by global warming’.BBC News. Retrieved October 10, 2008, from http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/4313726.stm

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